Measure Button

The Measurement button allows the user to measure the area of a polygon or length of a line, or find the coordinates of a point.


Measure button has the following three functionalities:

  • Area: Calculate the surface area of the selected region. Click the Distance button Distance. Draw a polyline on the map by clicking two or more points, Double-click to finish drawing the polyline, The Measurement widget displays the total length of the polyline.

  • Distance: Calculate the distance of the drawn line. Click the Distance button Distance, Draw a polyline on the map by clicking two or more points, Double-click to finish drawing the polyline. The Measurement widget displays the total length of the polyline

  • Location: Provide the longitude and latitude of the selected point. Click the Location button Location and click a location on the map. The Measurement widget displays the coordinates for the point in degrees (decimal). To change the coordinate display format to degrees/minutes/seconds, change the selection in the Degrees drop-down menu to DMS.